Michelle Mazur shefayoga

Introduction to Yoga Therapy with Michelle Mazur

February 24, 2024
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

What is yoga therapy and why is it the most important of all styles of yoga?
Where does it come from and who is it for?
Yoga therapy or yoga Cikitsa as it’s called in Sanskrit, is adapting the yoga to the needs of an individual.
Meaning, we take into consideration the age, the environment one lives in, health conditions, mental states and career. We also treat students with most of the illnesses that are common today such as MS, cancer, Parkinsons, strokes, heart disease, gut issues, arthritis, and most illness of the mind such as depression, anxiety, ADHA, trauma and so on.

Therapy is taught usually one on one but can also be taught in a group setting.
Most yoga teachers today truly have no idea how to approach this and students have no idea how to care for themselves in a yoga class.
This workshop is an eye opener for any yoga practitioner, yoga teacher and future teachers. This means more than just modifications. There will be changes in breath work and changes in sequencing that you are accustomed to. Poses are only important if they suit what you are needing . Ayurveda, the sister science to yoga , food choices, herbs and connection to nature are all involved in this process. This is a short workshop but the education will be exponential.

Michelle Mazur has been a practicing yogi for 40 years and a teacher for 30 years.
She has three teacher trainings from Yogaworks
Teacher training at the Iyenger institute
Three years yoga therapy program at LMU
8 years study of eastern philosophy at LMU. Her master teachers were Rama Swami longest active student of Krishnamacharya, father of modern day yoga. Also Maty Ezrati, Lisa Walford, Annie Carpenter and Jasmine Lieb were also mentors in therapy. Robert Birnberg was a mentor in eastern philosophy. Ayurveda training was completed with Dr Light Miller, Dr Robert Swaboda and Eleni Tsikrikas, all doctors of Ayurveda. Michelle has studied with American Indian shamans and done energy healings in tents clearing the chakras.

Michelle has been teaching trainings for the last 20 years in yoga, yoga therapy and Ayurveda . She also is a bio hacker and studies the modern day science of health and wellness. She has taken courses in herbology, positive psychology and anatomy from different institutions.

This workshop requires a notebook and pen or a lap top computer. You will want to take notes.

*Michelle will be leading a Yoga Therapy Teacher Training at shefayoga in 2024

Cost $89

Tags: workshop yoga
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