Women’s Circle

August 16, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Throughout history women would gather on new moons, as a time to celebrate, and support one another. Every month on the new moon, The Salt Room will host a sacred Women’s Circle, each month will offer a new theme to reflect, meditate, and discuss.
We will begin with building an altar together, followed by a guided meditation by Chanel Wolf, group reiki clearing, and a sound bath to help assist in tapping back into our natural intuitive nature.
We will end our evening with discussion, and sharing. The goal is to create a safe container to process emotions, release, and build community.
This will be an intimate event and is limited to 7 guests, you are encouraged to bring flowers, offerings, or any personal items you would like to place on the community altar, and asked to wear comfortable clothing, and bring any pillows, or cushions you may need for comfort during meditation.
Cost – $44
The Meditation Toolbox: Back to Basics