Come join us with an adept yogi exploring rear Yogic and Tantric practices. Yogi Charu will guide us through practices that will purify the Body, Mind and Heart. We will work through the 5 Koshas, explore the Chakras and still the Mind as we Evolve together.
Saturday-October 7th
The first 2 hours of the class students will explore the 6 Sun Salutation Kriyas(Nada, Mouna, Bandha, Chakra, Shushumna Pathway, and Sun Mantras), Beginner to Advance asanas, Ujjayi Pranayama with Kechari mudra, Moana Pranayama and Yoga Nidra.
1 hour Meditation Immersion will include practices from the tantric texts such as: Kaya Stairyam, Ajapa Japa with OM, Chakra Shuddhi,
Sunday-October 8th
The first 2 hours of class students will explore Kapalabhati kriya, Nauli Kriya, Tratak kriya, Beginner to Advance asanas, Anuloma Viloma and Prana Shuddhi Pranayama and Yoga Nidra.
1 hour Meditation Immersion will include Ajapa Japa with So Ham, Hridayakasha Dharana- Heart Space Meditation and Kirtan.
Cost for all sessions: $100
Cost taken separately: Each 2 hour class- $40
Each 1 hour Meditation- $20